



信息来源:网络  发布时间:2016-05-20



  新SAT 阅读几乎每一篇文章都有1-2个词汇题,所以重要性不言而喻,而且SAT改革后,语法部分也出现了很多形近词的辨析。



  3.1 语境正负

  As I was passing as possible through one of humanity's most insidious institution, junior high school, something dramatic yet subtle was taking place in my teenage consciousness. I didn't recognize it for what it was at the time. Nobody did. But it was happening to all of us, just the same. It didn't take long for adults to tell us what it was, however, and they weren't very happy. They called it primitive, communistic, filthy, smutty, and obscene: we called it rock and roll. We were both right.

  In line 5, "primitive" most nearly means

  A. Fundamental B. Archetypal C. Barbaric D. Original

  解析:这道题大家看到primitive, communistic, filthy, smutty, and obscene这些词都是负向态度,所以相应的primitive也应该选择负向态度的词汇,四个选项分别意思是A主要的,B原型的,C野蛮的,D最初的,选择负向,所以选择C.

  3.2 逻辑同反


  As a practicing paleontologist, I would love to believe that current dinomania arose as a direct product of our research, and all the fascinating new ideas that our profession has generated about dinosaurs. The slow, lumbering, stupid, robotic, virtually behaviorless behemoths of my childhood have been replaced by lithe, agile, potentially warm-blooded, adequately smart, and behaviorally complex creatures. The giant sauropods were mired in ponds during my youth, for many paleontologists regarded them as too heavy to hold up their own bodies on land. Now they stride across the plains, necks and tails outstretched.

  In line 40, "mired" most nearly means

  A. degraded B. embroiled C. stuck D. muddied

  解析: 首先我们分析下定位据句的逻辑关系。For(因为)表明主句与从句是因果关系,而且是正向因果关系。因为古生物学家认为他们身体太重在陆地承受不了如此重量,这些大蜥脚龙幼年的时候被____在池塘里。所以要寻找主句与从句逻辑正好搭配的选项,而四个选项A 降级的退化的 B 被牵连被卷入的 C 困住卡住的 D 泥泞的。只能选择C.

  3.2.2 逻辑反

  The suffrage movement in America slowly built momentum throughout the early twentieth century and exploded during World War I. President Woodrow Wilson called the fight abroad a war for democracy, which many suffragette viewed as hypocritical. Democracy, after all, was hardly worth fighting for when half of a nation's population was disqualified based on gender. Public acts of civil disobedience, rallies, and marches galvanized pro-women advocates while undermining defenders of the status quo.

  As used in line 5, "galvanized" most nearly means

  A. displaced B. divided C. excited D. Organized

  解析:定位句有一个关键词while,while我们知道有"当"或者"然而"的意思,通过文意推断意思为"然而",转折关系。所以pro-women advocates 和defender of the status quo的立场是相反的,所以undermine和galvanize也是语意大致相反的。与破坏,削弱相反的最合适的是刺激,支持,使兴奋。正确选项C.

  3.3 语境搭配

  I have called for personal sacrifice. I am assured of the willingness of almost all Americans to respond to that call. As part of the sacrifice means the payment of more money in taxes. In my Budget Message I shall recommend that a greater portion of this great defense program be paid for from taxation than we are paying today.

  As used in line 1 and 2, "sacrifice" most nearly means

  (A)religious offering to a deity

  (B)service in the military

  (C)losses of limbs in battle

  (D)surrender of interests to a greater good

  解析:乍一看到这个题,按照我们最基本的步骤,先判断选项中有没有近义词,发现4个词都是近义词,没法选。然后走我们的第二步骤,走语境,发现这里的语境与payment,money,taxes有关,而A.祭品(宗教)B. 服兵役(军队)C. 战乱丢掉胳膊(战争)D.让利为更大利益 ,所以只能选D.









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